Sunday, February 6, 2011


If I don't write now,  nothing will be written.  I know myself too well. Sigh. So  I'm grasping at some of the less banal thoughts that have been teasing my mind of late.  I've been reading in the Psalms about the heritage we have in the Lord.  I realize the Psalmist was writing about the People of Isreal.  That Jerusalem meant the physical city, that the thought of Gentiles being a part of the inheritance of Abraham was probably not on the psalmist's radar screen.  However, as Christians we know that we ARE a part and parcel of the true People of God, the sheep of his pasture.
   A couple of years ago I read the book Jesus of Nazareth by Pope Benedict the XVI. (I highly recommend it, by the way.)  He had a paragraph or two on the the meek inheriting the earth. In this brief aside, he talks about the importance of people having their own "place" to worship.  It all falls under the "freedom of religion", probably, but in a simple, homespun way, I think it applies to each individual as well.  Where is my place to worship?  I obviously go to church and worship with fellow Christians as often as possible.  But my calling as a homemaker challenges me to maintain my home-life in such a way that my children, my spouse and myself will find these four walls a cathedral when we need it, (Sing as loud and long as you want, without worry)...a chapel when we need to get on our knees and do the business of intercession...a sanctuary for those whose home is a threatening place to be...a university in the Kingdom of God when it comes to our conversation.   
  Ummm...I have a ways to go here.  However, as a Spiritual child of the promise to Abraham I need never worry about running out of things to do!  The blessings I live under, are not simply for my benefit...they are to be shared, and possibly more importantly, passed down to the next generation of Father Abraham.  
    Meanwhile...doesn't this background make you think of blueberry yoghurt?  
    Update on the whole Prayer and Dishes from my perspective.  I'm now more in the dishes camp.  Especially with a new "diet".  Hard to keep a balance.  May our healthier bodies be home to healthier souls! 

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